Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Cuz apparently I pissed some people off.  Let me explain:

1. I tend to use humor as a method of ridding myself of sadness or pain.  The majority of my blogs are funny.  One entitled 'Things Learned' was one of those.  I got singled out (for the most insignificant thing in the world) by someone who knows/knew nothing about me and insulted my intelligence, basically.    I walked out of the school crying, totally intimidated, and feeling incredibly insecure.  I have only cried one other time in a school situation, when my dog, Olivia, passed away last year.

2.  I do not  have a psuedo-celebrity complex; I didn't know that people care about what I say and/or lurk my blog archive. I guess it was wrong to assume that because I don't care what other people say on their blogs/facebook/myspace/whatever the heck it may be, that other's don't care about what I say.  I guess I have too much other crap to do to worry about it. 

But for whoever got so ticked off at me, and felt the need to spread it throughout the school, I really am sorry.  I didn't mean to hurt or offend anyone, or for that matter, tick anyone off (refer to numbers 1 and 2).  My cooperating teacher is the best and I appreciate everything she has done, is doing, and will do for me.  I admire her like I admire my mother. 


  1. And like you admire your sister. See

  2. Huh? What is this Facebook you speak of?
