Wednesday, February 9, 2011


About a year and a half ago, I had my wisdom teeth pulled.
A week later, Steven took me to a movie.
I was still irrigating my lower teeths. 
In the bathroom, over the sink, a little boy and his mother came out of a stall and came towards the sinks.
The little boy tugged at my sweater.
I looked down and tried so hard to not laugh.
He was cross eyed.
He looked at me, I think, and asked, "what are you doing"?
His mom then grabbed him and washed his hands and explained to him what I was doing.  
I went in to the movie and told Steven what had happened.  
Ever since then, Steven has performed his interpretation of what happened.
And it never ceases to crack me up.

Last night, while laying in bed, he would not stop.  
I was hysterical.
Crying because I was laughing so hard.
Then, he did this:

I hope you all enjoy this little insight in to our fabulous life.

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