Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Awesomness

Has already begun.
Here are just a few of the awesome things that have happened in the past 3 days;

It snowed.  It snowed alot.  Steven, Bella and I got snowed in. 
(which leads to the next item of buziness)

Our water pipes froze.  No running water for 36 hours.
(which leads to the next item of buziness)

I had to drive to my mom's to shower.  I parked behind her in the driveway.  While I was showering, she moved my car so she could go somewhere. 
She parked my car, my Hyundai Accent with a lawn mower engine, in the pile of snow that was shoveled from the driveway.
So in blistering cold weather with wet hair and pjs, I shoveled my car out. 
(which leads to the next item of buziness)
I literally have blisters on my feet from being out in the 'blistering' cold.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?
Now, due to this fantesticle weather, and some people's incapacity to do their jobs, other things that are NOT humerous have come to the surface.
You ready???

I still do not have a diploma from NAU. 
I don't have my teaching certificate.
After more than a year, and 5 paid attempts to get my transcripts sent from yavapai college...who now doesn't merrit capatalizaiton in my dictionary....still have not been sent to NAU. 
Thank you yavapai college for making it so I do not have a job because your peeps can't do their job(s).

Now another funny to lighten my's mood:
And again this is due to the weather....

My Synthroid perscription has not been refilled because my Dr has not been in the office.  Therefore, and I don't quite understand why, but it has always been the case,  my eyebrow hairs have begun falling out. 
Consequently, I now have eyebrows like Vanilla Ice.

Word to your mother.

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