Sunday, October 10, 2010


I am not having a baby (yet). 
I would really like one though. 

But my sister-in-law is having a baby girl in December. 
My closest friend ever, Mollie, will be finding out the gender of her fetus shortly.
Maybe my sister, Emily, will get to work on number 3 soon.

I came across a picture on Facebook the other day.
It was on a friend's page. 
I have known this 'friend' since 6th grade at Granite Mountain.
I always admired her for her name, creativity, and her amazing legs. (I don't believe she ever knew that).
Middle School and High School came and went and we are all now grownd ups.
We never spoke much.

But here I am, posting this about Adria Smith.
She made these:

And I plan on getting anyone and everyone I know a pair for their new babes.
She would love some business.
She is selling them for $20 bucks.
She can make some that are masculine also, for those baby boys out there.
She will do what ever colors you'd like, though I am incredibly partial to this mustard/creme/red combo.
I don't really have too much more to say.
Here is her info:
A link to her FB page:

Keep yo'babies feets warm.

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