Monday, August 1, 2011

Good news, folks. Good news.

I thought all hope was gone when it came to me to teach.
Since our economic status in our country is so fantastic, budget cuts mean job loss.
In school districts, that means filling positions within the district.
That meant me spending a summer without any hope or belief that I would get a job.
I kept getting let down, that I decided to not even care anymore.
It got so bad that I had PRAYED to just get a call or an interview just to signify acknowledgment of my application(s).

You might ask, "Julie, why not move to a more populated area, like Phoenix?"
Here is my answer:
My husband has a friggen great job.
Leaving would be stupid for that reason, for the fact that teachers make half of what Steven can make.
AND, even getting a teaching job one year doesn't guarentee you will have it a year later...

So, we are down to school starting in 2 days here in Prescott.
I got a call from a family friend/principal at a school needing a PE teacher.

You might think, "PE?  But Julie, you want to be a classroom teacher."
Yes, you are right. 
That is my goal.
A goal obviously unattainable at this point in time.

This morning, I interviewed. 
Great interview.
45 minutes long.
It was great. 
I got to express how and why I am 'physically minded' and why I feel qualified to teach kiddos about physical education. 

My response??
And it is the truth:
Since I had my thyroid removed, I have become more physically aware.
You don't know what you have until it is gone, or when it stops working...
I have to work like 4 times as hard as anyone else...(5+ miles a day for 3 months and have lost maybe 4 pounds).
I appreciate the human body.
And I have developed a passion (addiction) to running.

I guess it worked!
I got the call at 3:32 pm today.
It is official.
I am the PE teacher at Washington Traditional School!
And if funding goes through, I will be teaching some math as well.
And it is a foot in the door...
Now they can internally transfer me if(when) funding for specials is gone.

School starts Wednesday!
Check it out.


  1. Girl that's so awesome! Congrats!

  2. Congrats!! I was really hoping to see you at Taylor Hicks, but this is great too! Woohoo!
