Sunday, August 28, 2011


But this blog post is actually about yesterday.

Saturday was an excellent day.
I had this plan to connect trails (brownlow, jan alfano, embry riddle, and finally, willow lake) to make an approximate 8 mile run. 
8 mile(not the movie).
You see, I decided this week that I am going to run the Sedona half marathon in February, so I wanted to see how good I could do at 8.
And next Saturday might be 10.
I did a pretty good job with the connecting-of-the-trails, until the time came to find the Embry Riddle trail.
I am pretty sure it is nonexistant.
So, I turned around and came back after about 2.5 miles and found a connector back to the top of Brownlow and finished it out.
7 miles. 
And I didn't die.
And Monday, I am going to run willow lake and find that darn trail.

THEN, I went to get my hairs colored. 
My blondish hairs are gone.

Mostly.  (we left the ends kinda...)
This pic sucks.

THEN, Steven decided to mow the lawn.
For 5 minutes he was over in the corner making all these weird shapes or something.
I couldn't figure it out.
That is, until he called me over.
He had written my name in grass.

Yes, that is a backwards J, not on purpose.

Twas a good weekend.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Running: the process

Last week was a rough week in regards to my running.
My shoes died.
The soles went soft and my shins and calfs were cramping beyond control.
So I went and got new shoes:

My first run in them resulted in this:

An older blister rejuvinated.
Just what I wanted.
So I went to the store and bought this caca:

I wrapped her(my foot) up and went again the next day.
The left foot was great!
BUT, my right food was not so good.

That is the least gnarly pic.

Here is the process I now have to follow in order to run:

It blows.
And the run today smelled of blood.
My sockies soaked it all up.
I had to stop around halfway (mile 3) to re-wrap the footsies.
Let's not mention the stabbing pain that randomly came/comes.
I guess you could say I am getting pretty hardcore.

This only makes me more cool:

Look close and you can see my arm band tan-line.
So awesome.
I feel really awkward blogging about my awesomeness.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Belly's Birthday Party

First off, celebrating your dog's birthday is totally normal.
But just keep in mind that I had two puggies go to heaven within 5 months of each other.
And neither of them made it past 2 years old.
Not to mention that Bella came in to my life just a week after my last puggy passed away.
So she is kinda my baby.

This past Friday, August 19th was Bella's day of birth.
Coincidentally, my brother, SIL, niece, nephew, and their puppy dog, Sam came to town.
So of course, my mom made a huge dinner.
As always, Emily and her gang, including Buddy, also joined the party.
I made cupcakes for humans and doggies to celebrate Bella's completion of her 2nd year of life, which became dessert.

I don't know who enjoyed them more:

Bella or Rodney?

And these are just pure cuteness.

I love my doggie!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Going 'crazy'

Last night, Steven came home with a new 'toy' for Bella.
It was a laser pointer.
We discussed a word to call it (i.e. 'dog park', 'play').
It was decided to call it 'crazy'.


She ended up literally going crazy.
(If you can hear me in the video, I actually asked if this was going to make her crazy)
Like, we are not going to do that anymore with her.
She sat, waited, and searched obsessively for almost 30 minutes untill she, well, forgot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Allergies and Running.

Last year, when I began student teaching, it was the first week of August.
I wasn't nervous.
I was excited.
Even anxious. 
But the first day came, and following the school day, I went to spinning class with my sister.
About 3/4 way through the class, my vision started blurring. 
I went home and this is what I had:
I ended up missing the 2nd day of school.
The joke was made that I was allergic to the kiddos.
It was a good joke.

Fast forward to this year.
Last week was the first week of school and of August.
Yes, I got a teaching job.
It is PE, and quite frankly, I love it.
Come Friday, I decided to go run after school.
Well, guess what??
Just as I reached the top of the trail where you turn around, my vision began to blur.
I kept trying to feel if my eye was swelling, and well, it was.
Big time.
I booked it home.
This is what I got:

Maybe it was no joke.
Maybe I am allergic to children...

On a running note, remember this??

As of today:

Plus about 24 more miles.
(my chip broke)
So total? 264.69 miles.
That is pretty good I guess. 
K bye.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rocks in my shoes.

So it's clear that I enjoy running.
Kind of like how I enjoy life.
It's fun, rewarding, and I find happiness in it.
Well every now and then, I get a rock or five in my shoes.
They are incredibly annoying and cause me agitation.
Not pain.
They are small, but just big enough to catch my attention.
They just get in my way and are annoying.
No matter how I move my feet around in my shoes, the rocks still find an uncomfortable place to reside!
You might think, "Julie, take your shoes off and dump out the rocks."
But that would imply me having to stop my running pace and ruin my time.
And heck, they're just teeny rocks!
I can handle that for just a bit longer until I am done.

Some might see me having rocks in my shoes be my own stupid fault for going out on the trail to run.
You might be right.

But either way, the rocks in my shoes need to make an exit at some point.
And when I am given a perfect opportunity to do so, believe me, I will take advantage of it!

Well folks, that is what I have done.
I have no more rocks in my shoes as of this point in my life.
I can run freely without the annoiance of rocks in my shoes!
Good riddance rocks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A bunch of awesome pictures from my phone.

And before I begin my picture-journey with you folks, I thought I would let you know that this is my 101st post!!
Be aware.
This blog post is pictures.
Maybe some captions.

I don't know if it is two guys, or a girl driving the guy. Either way, it is awesome.

Read close.  moron.

Nephews. and sisters.

Sundogs game= white trash. Sorry.

Don't wake me.


Mapril's birthday dindin

da truth. and awesome.

she had just taken a big dook

my mom and I.

unexpected kissies.

Almost as portly as Dewey.

walking to church from our casa.


One reason I call her Belly.

Konrad with a bucket on his head.

I drew this when I subbed in 5th grade.

pure cuteness

Even more cuteness.

Reagan. wearing the outfit I got her. LOVE her.

even more cuteness

They have had a bromacne this summer.

my face rules. we was trying to take a nap

Driving my brand new car. oops.

couch potato?

patriotic belly

I love this one.

rodney. rodney's shirt (onsie), rodney trying to ride bella. win.

he was saying "diet coke", like " cheese"

My sunflowers. Only one has blossomed. yet.

And for all of you who care:
Bulletin board number 1

And my desk.

Bulletin board number 2