Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Last night, I was woken up by some fantastic musical choices from my up-stairs neighbor at 2:30am.  After waking up, I realized I couldn't breathe out of my nose and/or get comfortable enough to fall back asleep.  Instead of counting sheep after taking cold medicine, I began naming nicknames for Bella, my dog.  I then became inspired to compose a blog showcasing all of her lovely nicknames.

Isabella Flower Shepherd
Stinky Shepherd
Belly Bean
Fart Face McGee
Bella Bean
Smelly Belly
Boo Boo
Smelly Shepherd
Butt Face
Toots McGee
Smella Bella
Poop Face
Lover Butt
And the BEST nickname is:
Want to see why?  Watch this video.  

Needless to say, this is an incomplete list.  I come up with new ones every day.
I eventually fell back asleep.
It was glorious.
But I woke up to Belly needing to do some bizness outside.
Guess what????
Genius upstairs apparently does not own an assssh tray.
Our porch has turned in to his substitute.
Maybe I should go buy him one?

1 comment:

  1. We had a dog when Patrick was real small and her name was Sedona, but like many words back then; he couldn't pronounce Sedona. Instead he would call her "Ahh donut", which then led to her being "ah dodo", "donut", "donut head", "sa dodo". It was really cute, right up there with him having to go to the hoPSital if he was sick.
