Sunday, November 7, 2010

13 days and NOT counting.

Student teaching has had its ups and downs. But it has been more wonderful than I ever thought.  I was grading papers and going over my lesson plan book this afternoon.  I was thinking to myself: where the crap did the time go?  It has been 13 weeks.  I have 13 days left to go. There is not one student in that class that I do not absolutley love.  When I have a bad beginning to a day, it instantly is gone when that bell rings and those childders (as the BFG calls them) walk in the door.  It gives me anxiety to think about what I am going to do with myself once I don't have to be with them every day.  It literally brings me to tears thinking about it. 

Things are starting to scare me now.  Taking the AEPA on the 20th (I started my studying today), graduating, finding a job, deciding where to go, ect.  I would kinda, sorta, rather stay where I am right now.  Except getting paid would be a positive change. 

Seriously, I am so thankful for all of the events that brought me to this place: stupid break-up almost 4 years ago, thyroid surgery, job loss,basically being in a big hole and a bunch of crap that turned out to be what I needed.  I got out of it. Now, I've got a husband that I love dearly, I fell in to education as a major and I couldn't be happier for that, and I've got all goodness in front of me.  All of the people I want/need in my life are here, now, and not going anywhere.  I've got a career that I am in love with, assuming I can get a job. 

Its been 13 weeks and it went by fast.
I'm going to savor what is left.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the test! And I'm glad you loved Student Teaching so much. It sure was a huge learning experience! I'm sure your kids will miss you when you leave.
