Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes folks, the day FINALLY came...and went...and was almost a week ago.  Oh goodness.  It was a beautiful day.  We slept in (in separate homes), spent some time together which was totally weird: 'we are getting married today' is always going to remind me of weird.  It was the most differet feeling ever.  We had no idea how to feel.  Granted, we had nerves and anxiety like NO other.  The car ride down (together) was super awkward too.  But once we got in to the temple, my 'scared' feelings went away.  Our sealer was the nicest guy ever.  He even said some funny stuff: 'that's what she said' and 'keeping it hot in the temple'.  I swear it on my life the heater was on, I was sweating bullets.  It was so wonderful tol walk in to the sealing room and see our families gathered together...all there to witness our marriage.  I didn't feel any different after, but I am feeling it now.  We are midway through our honeymoon on North Shore Oahu.  We are taking some down time OUT of the sun...we kinda killed it today...we might be lobsters...snorkling is so fun....but that is why I am blogging.  Being married to my bestical friend is the best.  We haven't had much, if any, contact with anyone since the plane ride but it is so wonderful.  He is the most amazing man ever and I am excited to do life together.  I do not have any real wedding pictures yet, but rest assured that I will post a link when they are online.  But my Uncle Claude took some:

OMG I am so happy. 

PS Why are people so persistant that I NOT be on facebook or blogging on my honeymoon? You can't have sex ALL the time...a girl's got to rest.

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